Spoof Rebel , 'Chuy', Refuses to Turn Himself in Despite 'Chu Hoi' Program Guaranteeing New Identity, Council Housing and Clean Underwear!

Funny story written by Morse

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

image for Spoof Rebel , 'Chuy', Refuses to Turn Himself in Despite 'Chu Hoi' Program Guaranteeing New Identity, Council Housing and Clean Underwear!
"Chuy", captured on Street Cam Waiting for Bus in Pattaya, Thailand!

News from Pattaya, Thailand, continues to be unpromising as Spoof Sleuths continue their quest to unmask, capture, contain, and neuter an elusive multi-identity propagandist and protagonist who rivals Joseph Goebbels in the literary community, and the erst while Christian Gehrhartsreiter who spent much of his life pretending to be Clark Rockefeller, and the consummate Con Man!

The Cyber Security Squad from the Spoof (CSSS) has unleashed their Long Range Reconnaissance Spoof Patrol (LRRSP), in an effort to track down the deranged
scribe who is said to have more personalities than Joanne Woodward, who only had three in her starring performance detailing multiple personalities.

Staff Psychiatrists at the Moorview Institute, able to trace DNA even over the internet, have postulated that the "Mad Monkey" which they have named the Quarry at their HQ, but "Chuy" in public, has at least 8 different personalities, and some may even be related at birth, although at least one sibling was separated later due to personality disorders.

According to Thai authorities as many as 23 undercover spoofers using forged passports from Macedonia, Greece, the US, and the UK have infiltrated the country on the quest, and have employed elaborate disguises to discourage being detained for questioning.

Employing a successful tactic used in VN, the Spoof Compensation Board has unanimously authorized a 50,000 point bonus, and promises of unlimited new identities, and freedom from editing and censorship, to turn himself in.

A video, reportedly released by "Chuy" himself, shows a shadowy figure ensconced in what appears to be a jungle tree house and shrouded deep in tropical foliage. Speaking in a hesitant , barely audible Yorkshire accent, the figure is heard to ask rhetorically when told of the offer, " Been there, got that, Mate...why do you think I'm still around!"

Investigators on the case said they will probably turn the investigation back to family members, who originally professed ignorance of "Chuy's" whereabouts, denied covering for him and occasionally doing his laundry.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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