Canned Laughter Not Allowed On The Spoof Dot Com

Funny story written by Skoob1999

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

image for Canned Laughter Not Allowed On The Spoof Dot Com
Some Unsold Canned Laughter Pictured Yesterday.

A long time and well respected writer for popular satirical website was left in tatters when an idea he proposed to the administrator was shot down in flames before it ever got off the ground.

Writer, IDManifold had proposed to site administrator Charles Laughton (out of The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, Mutiny On The Bounty and Treasure Island) that he should be permitted to insert canned laughter into his stories in order to "enrich" his reader's experience and encourage her to laugh at the correct point in the article.

The request was returned to sender, rubber stamped 'PERMISSION DENIED'

We PM'd Charles Laughton on behalf of IDManifold and enquired what the problem would be with canned laughter tracks inserted into Spoof articles.

He PM'd the following reply:

Hi Featherplucker,

In response to your request to insert canned laughter into Spoof articles, I am afraid that this is a request I am unable to grant. If we needed to prompt our readers to laugh, then I'd have to take on a full time employee to stand behind Skoob1999's reader(s) kicking them (her) up the arse all day.


The admin department are said to be still considering the possibility of setting up a Spoof car theft ring.

More as we get it.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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