Nick Lowton Promises More Fun

Funny story written by victor nicholas

Sunday, 28 February 2010

image for Nick Lowton Promises More Fun
It was the money

The newest investor in, Nick Lowton, has stepped forward and announced that he is all for more Fun on

"Like every organization there comes a time to assess where we are going and come up with some fresh new ideas."

"I was not long ago that that we only had thirty stories a day and half of those were written by Mark and Paul to shill things up a bit and keep up appearances that we were not a total lost cause as a business venture."

"True as that may be things seem to have caught on a bit with the volunteer writers, along with the advert revenue, meanwhile Mark has lost control of his brother Paul or more properly lost interest in controlling him. Writers are on their own, as if you didn't already know."

"That's where I come in. "

"You may remember me from my nom-de-plume Nick Fun. Lately I have changed location to another location, namely this location. Some of you may think that I may have had a falling out with Mark Lowton may be surprised with the turn of events. Be that as it may everyone needs to put food on the table. While some of you may have integrity let's get real. Money was definitely a major consideration not to mention monthly bills which just keep coming at me like Space Invaders."

"Just to make things clear I have no intention or hope in reigning in any of Paul's multiple personalities or taking him out with extreme prejudice."

"All I can do is hope entertain the troops from a high level standpoint, song and dance man style."


The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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