The General International Honourable Association of Daleks (GIHAD) and National Union of Ninjas (NUNS) are this week taking the French Government to the International Court of Inhuman Rights over what they see as slur on their respective races.
Brendan Davros, commander in chief of the Daleks, has flown in from the planet Skaro to lead the delegation when they make their presentation to the grown men in silly wigs, er, the judges.
Speaking at a conference this morning, Mr Davros said that the talk on his home planet at the moment is the way the French Government have compared his community members with the people on earth who wear Burkhas. He said that his people are really getting fed up with it. He could accept that there might be comparisons drawn when Daleks get a bit frumpy and rush around shouting "Exterminate, Exterminate, Exterminate all infidels", but there the comparison ends.
Speaking for the National Union of Ninjas, Mr A Soe said that he too was finding that his members were beginning to revolt now that French politicians were comparing the Burkha beings to his member Ninjas. He claimed that Ninjas have been wearing all-black for centuries, although he does draw the line with wearing suggestive lingerie underneath.