
Funny satire stories about Dalek

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Funny story: Species misappropriation - what next a small man in a R2D2 tin can?

Species misappropriation - what next a small man in a R2D2 tin can?

In a galaxy far, far away, at an industrial tribunal, actor/director Zirkoxx TribbleQ is being sued by the estate of the late Lieutenant Spock for species misappropriation. “The is not remake of ‘that’ crass TV series from planet Earth,” said Zir…

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Funny story: ‘Schindler’s List’ to be reimagined by sleazy director known for inappropriate shower scenes

‘Schindler’s List’ to be reimagined by sleazy director known for inappropriate shower scenes

Religious leaders are concerned about a ‘Schindler's List’ remake from director Billy O’Lox, known for his infamous ‘Mother Teresa - - the pole dancing years’. “I like to bring color, sparkle and a bit of razzmatazz to my films, but I’m not chea…

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Funny story: Chiswick invaded by Daleks

Chiswick invaded by Daleks

Geek Porn films are proud to announce a strictly limited event celebrating the Dalek invasion of Turnham Green. A private screening of a rare and controversial film will be shown at The Doctor Who Convention which takes place at the Gerorge 1V com...

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Funny story: Daleks 'Unhappy' With Treatment From Dr Who Producer

Daleks 'Unhappy' With Treatment From Dr Who Producer

The Daleks, famous adversaries for many a Dr Who over the decades, have spoken out over their apparent snub from executive producer Steven Moffat. Talking openly in that voice they do, Davros, leader of the Daleks was mystified as to why they were...

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Funny story: Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart Attacked By Daleks!

Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart Attacked By Daleks!

In a spirited attempt to rack up as many stories as possible for a given month, crap website has plumbed new depths in its search for an informed readership. By claiming that Twilight stars, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were a...

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Funny story: Stephen Hawking to be turned into a Dalek

Stephen Hawking to be turned into a Dalek

Nobel scientist Stephen Hawking is to be turned into a Dalek, his spokesman revealed today. The British theoretical physicist, whose career spans 40 years and whose book A Brief History of Time famously revealed that the answer to life the universe...

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Funny story: Cameron invites the Daleks to join the coalition

Cameron invites the Daleks to join the coalition

Prime Minister David Cameron has extended an invitation to the Daleks to join the UK's coalition government (but not the gay or Pakistani ones). Phoenix Joe asked Mr Cameron to explain what was behind this latest rather perplexing move. "Well Pho...

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Funny story: Daleks v Alien v Predator v Space Vampires v Rocky?

Daleks v Alien v Predator v Space Vampires v Rocky?

Hot off the presses from Skoob News Sink: Our very own showbiz insider, Buffty Ginslinger, the man with the large G&T and the constant cigarette, today moved to the east end of London, to announce from his latest hangout on Whitechapel Road that...

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Funny story: An Audience With Michael Buble Singing Like A Dalek

An Audience With Michael Buble Singing Like A Dalek

Viewers who tuned in to ITV's An Audience With Michael Buble were astounded tonight when the Canadian crooner opened his mouth and emitted sounds normally associated with a synthesiser. His usual dulcet tones were transformed into an electronic buzz...

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Funny story: Daleks exterminate Trinny and Susannah after disastrous make-over

Daleks exterminate Trinny and Susannah after disastrous make-over

The Daleks courted fresh controversy yesterday after exterminating beloved fashion gurus Trinny and Susannah. The extermination came following a make-over which saw the drab extra-terrestial tin cans put into a variety of colours, designed to best sh...

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Funny story: Dr Who's Rainbow Daleks should be Exterminated

Dr Who's Rainbow Daleks should be Exterminated

Dr Who started away back in 1963 in fact it was the same week that President Kennedy, was assassinated. It was at this time we were first introduced to The Daleks, who became Dr Who's number one enemy. The Daleks used to have children running in te...

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Funny story: The Daleks are taking over - Says Boffin

The Daleks are taking over - Says Boffin

Scientists are refusing to comment following the publication of a letter in the prestigious newspaper, The Prestatyn Herald, which claims that Daleks are already infiltrating planet Earth. These astounding revelations have been put forward by loc...

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Funny story: The Policy of The Daleks to deal with criminals

The Policy of The Daleks to deal with criminals

Dave Ross who has been studying crimes for years is totally pissed off with our stupid laws which are so much in favour of the criminals as opposed to the rights of innocent victims and law abiding citizens. There are so many cases of murderers be...

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Funny story: Daleks and Ninjas collectively to sue French government

Daleks and Ninjas collectively to sue French government

The General International Honourable Association of Daleks (GIHAD) and National Union of Ninjas (NUNS) are this week taking the French Government to the International Court of Inhuman Rights over what they see as slur on their respective races. Br...

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Funny story: New Dr Who is not going to be Matt Smith!

New Dr Who is not going to be Matt Smith!

Despite the recent announcement that Matt Smith is to be the new Doctor Who, the corporation have now retracted the statement and confirmed that the new Dr Who will in fact be Abu "Hook" Hamza. An apology has been issued to all viewers regarding t...

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Funny story: Dalek Poetry Reading

Dalek Poetry Reading

A recent poetry evening, organised by Lenny Smith, a 37 year old Dalek was said to be a complete disaster. Smith, a peace loving Dalek, completely at odds with his comrades blamed a lack of love for Poetry amongst his friends for the show's disapp...

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Funny story: London borough employs daleks to deal with smokers

London borough employs daleks to deal with smokers

Are you a smoker who uses a pub in Westminster? Do you carelessly drop your cigarette butt on the ground? From October you could end up being exterminated. This is a new measure by Westminster City Council to deal with the problems of discarded c...

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