Syria - Leaders of the wannabe caliphate are threatening to sue a dead GermanThings Airline pilot for stealing the limelight with his harakiri plunge.
Jihadi top brass are claiming sole global copyright on nutjob atrocities involving mass civilian fatalities and other collateral damage stuff.
"Who da fok tink he is," Brigadier Kamel Al-Anus demanded, "maybe some big Nazi like Manfred Albrecht Fellater von Richthofen?"
The Red Baron allusion comes as the world's media attention shifted this morning to the carnage in the French Alps.
And it's enough to make IS Jihadis' blood boil as all the free publicity suddenly muscles in on non-caliphate jurisdiction for shock and gore.
Commenting on the French Alps airline disaster a Euro TV twat said, "Gore? Al Gore??As in the movie An Incontinent Truth?"
Stay tuned in case of further revelations.
Paul McCartney is 64.