Reports are flying fast and furious, with no confirmation as to whether they’re true, but is there a radical Muslim cabal of jihadists in … Scotland?! Wha? It’s all speculation so far, but things have been heard, the grapevine is a-buzz, that cer…
RAQQA, SYRIA - "Who'd have thought?" Jihadi John muttered to himself "that it'd end up like this." In the end it hadn't been a drone that had brought the man known only as Jihadi John, from West London but joined the so-called Islamic State in 2012,...
As Britain resides in the grip of a paralysis due to a foreign invader (the sun) Back and to the Left news decided to get some insight into this deadly heat wave. We spoke to Sun journalist Farr Right to try and gauge the nation's feelings on these,...
With war raging in the Middle East and terror attacks happening with greater frequency all over the world, heaven is starting to run out of virgins. According to the Koran, every Jihadist who dies is promised 72 virgins, but ever since the Syrian civ...
The National Rifle Association, smelling a chance to increase its profits and its membership, has decided to follow the money and change their name to 'Jihadist Rifle Association' instead. The NRA, long a secret backer of any American tragedy that...
On Tuesday morning, a ragtag band of Muslim fundamentalists attempted to tunnel under the Great Pyramid of Giza with the intent of planting and detonating a crude thermonuclear device underneath it. They were instantly annihilated by an intense beam...
Krak des Chevaliers, Syria - Cops have taped a phone call from a top ISIS commander on the blower to his Mom in the London suburb of Barking, Isle of Dogs, moaning about the theft of his crack stash. Jihadi John, a.k.a. Mhamed Emwazi bin-the-Khaz...
Damascus, Syria - A video of a Baltimore mother head-slapping her feckless son for rampaging at the city's recent riots has been staged for prophet a leading Jihadi webshite has warned. "This fake Western propaganda fools no one," Mustapha Pee, m...
Syria - Leaders of the wannabe caliphate are threatening to sue a dead GermanThings Airline pilot for stealing the limelight with his harakiri plunge. Jihadi top brass are claiming sole global copyright on nutjob atrocities involving mass civilian...
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - Hundreds of pop-up ads for sex torture instruments have plastered the website promoting Jihadis' favorite snuff movie props. The array of decapitation, amputation and flogging must-haves appeared as Islamic State fanatics re...
Tehran - IS Jihadis are in the frame for a suspected hoax wrought on the hapless Iranian official in charge of national procurement, 'excluding hookers'. The deception has sent Ayatollah Rough Son Johnny Jr squealing to the dog house about his pur...
Los Angeles - An LAX press conference heard this evening how three runaway schoolgirls blamed a US-based Scamatology recruitment website for grooming them to run away from home as Jihadi matrimonial bait. Homeland Insecurity officials said Fatima,...
There was huge relief last night when it was revealed that a plane had landed safely despite FIVE seperate plots to bring it down. Flight MH 666 touched down safely in Dubai against incredible odds, and only because of some of the most inept attempts...
Good day guys. How is it going? Blow up anything fun today? Shoot your quota of infidels yet? OK, sorry you're having a bad day. Just a few questions I wanted to ask you guys. (I am assuming you are all guys. I doubt you've opened a female branch) Alright, lets get started here. Now I know you claim to be a religious organization. The "Holy Men of Allah" or something like that.
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