Buenos Aires - Pope Frankie-the-Argie is in the dog house tonight following Revelations** that a senior Buenos Aires prosecutor has dropped dead because of a 'daft' warrant.
His Holiness' psychotic daughter Kristina Fernandez de Kirchner is also in the frame on account of being Argentine President and Queen of the Malvinas.
Together the pair are said to be in a right old state.
Describing the stupidity of the whole daft situation an Argentinian Justice (sic) Ministry source said tonight, "Eez like the Brits vaporising our beloved General Belgrano."
In 1982 the ageing Argie Navy Rust bucket was gunned down by the Royal Navy during a spat over some islands in the Southern Atlantic.
Mrs Fernandez de Kirchner says it still makes her see red.
Meanwhile the dead public prosecutor remains RIP in a scandal about someone shielding Iranian officials behind a 1994 bombing of a local Jewish deli.
A movie about the whole sordid business is scheduled for release early 2016 as long as the cast and crew's safehouse remains bomb proof.
Diego Maradona is 69.
**Chapter 666, Verse 9/11