Rome - The European Court of Human Frights has imposed a community service sentence on the Pope ordering him to wear a 'I AM A BULLY!' placard around his neck.
For five hours every Sunday until the death of his predecessor, the Deserter Pope Joe Ratzinger, Frankie-the-Argie will have to wear a 3ft by 2ft placard declaring 'I AM A BULLY, I pick on children and I am intolerant. My actions do not reflect an appreciation of the rule of law.'
Despite a glossy PR campaign apologising for the evil of generations of pontiffs before him and tearful promises to snitch on all Vatican paedo perps Frankie-the-Argie must comply with the judgement or risk contempt of court proceedings.
This morning he was seen clambering out of his Popemobile at a busy Rome highway intersection to don the sign in a trial run ahead of next weekend's inaugural Easter Sunday display.
Commenting on the court imposed punishment a vicar from St Paedo-in-the-Bushes Roamin Catlick church said today 'the Pope is a saint, like all the Popes before him'.
Silvio Berlusconi is 104.