Puerto Rico Sends 12 Grenade Launchers To The Ukraine

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Monday, 3 March 2014

image for Puerto Rico Sends 12 Grenade Launchers To The Ukraine
The Puerto Rican ambassador to the Ukraine could be givng them some much needed capital.

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - The Caribbean Sea country of Puerto Rico has just reported that they've sent some much needed weapons to the military in the Ukraine.

Puerto Rican President Henry Salsa stated that he has not forgotten the shipment of 25 cases of vodka that the Ukraine sent him three years ago on his 50th birthday.

President Salsa spoke to a representative of the Ukraine and he was told that they badly needed grenade launchers so the Puerto Rican government has sent 12 grenade launchers to the Ukraine.

The Ukraine has also received 20 bazookas from Greenland, 45 Glock 9 handguns from Ireland, and 6 Samurai swords from China.

Meanwhile, the African country of Upper Shambutu has said that they are planning on FedExing to the Ukraine a shipment of 30 spears.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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