Spoof Mix Up Leads To Tragedy

Funny story written by j.w.

Monday, 3 March 2014


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Russian Troops in South Africa

Red faced editors at Spoof HQ are busy piecing together an excuse for a regrettable error that led to tragedy, we learnt today.

Through a mix up, the Spoof Crime Correspondent, Shirley Holmes, was sent to Crimea to cover the trial of Blade Runner, Oscar Pistorius, whilst the Foreign editor, Joan Shrimpton, was dispatched to South Africa to cover the events in Ukraine's Russian occuppied region of Crimea.

Unfortunately the Crime hack kept asking Russian soldiers 'Is the Blade Runner guilty?' - which when translated into Russian ended up as the question 'Was Putnick Guilty?'

This lead to Holmes being sent to Moscow where she thought her best course of action was to ask to see the Pussy Riot. This was translated into a prison cell. Our news of this event comes from a Snowman currently in Russia on leave from the CIA.

Joan Shrimpton in South Africa put her foot in it when she asked why so many Black Communists were invading the country. Bishop Tuttut was infuriated and suggested Shrimpton should be sent to Robben Island to meditate.

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