MEXICO CITY - Mexico's Department of Immigration has just made an announcement that has shocked many of the citizens in the USA; especially those living in Arizona.
The DOI has decided that they can no longer afford to house and feed the thousands of illegal aliens from Central America that were caught illegally crossing into Mexico.
The DOI fully understands that if they send the undocumented workers back to their homes in Central America they will only end up illegally crossing back into Mexico within a matter of two or three days.
So the DOI has decided, with the support of Mexico's President Nacho Winslow, to put the Central Americans on buses and transport them to the Mexico-Arizona border.
From there it will be no problem for the Central American's to scale the Joke Fence, as the border fence is called in Mexico, and waltz right into Arizona.
Meanwhile, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has commented that she will talk to the man who has nicknamed himself America's Toughest Sheriff, Joe "Pinky" Arpaio and see how he wants to handle this very serious situation.