Gina Lollo's "cocoa beans" get hot Italian men queueing up for a sizzling cappuccino!

Funny story written by Jaggedone

Sunday, 26 February 2012


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A Italian barmaid working in a coffee bar, has got local Italian men queuing up for cups of her "sizzling" cappuccinos and the sight of her gorgeous "cocoa beans" hanging out of her very skimpy, sexy outfits.

Gina Lollo, makes a mean cuppa cappuccino or expresso, but the men really love her "cocoa beans" and she really loves showing them off. Local women are disgusted at the sight of their husbands and partners standing in line for a "looki, looki at the cuppa, cuppa's" and are hoping local Catholic priests (they're well qualified because most of them don't like sexy women...) forbid her from wearing her revealing outfits.

Local Fata Mama Bottochestia gave her opinion, here it is, "it isa disgustinga thata shea showsa everythinga anda mia mana cana nota getta enougha of ita! Ita shoulda bea forbidden, si?"

The local men obviously think differently and refuse to allow Gina Lollo to be dragged off to the local church, repent her sins, and dress in nuns clothes, she agrees and also gave the following statement; "mia tittis ara de besta et I dressa howa I wanna, mia coffee isa de besta anda de bitches cana fucka offa, mia tittis bella, si?"

Starbums have been so astonished at the increase in turnover in the coffee bar that they decided to introduce a new line of working clothes for their female staff and now none of their customers will ever mistake "coffee beans" for "cocoa beans" again, bella, bella!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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