Just as the GOP seized the Governor's seat, Senate seat, and 13 of 18 House of Representative seats on November 2nd, the American Robin displaced the Northern Cardinal as Ohio's state bird this past week.
The cardinal, Cardinalis Cardinalis, had held the seat since 1933.
Pundits suggest that low voter turnout may be one reason behind the shift -- just as eligible Ohio voters participated 5% less in the general election than in previous years.
With two ongoing major combat operations by the U.S. and a globally poor economy, it may be hard to understand the logic in not participating in the democratic process. This tactic appears even stranger when considering that U.S. personnel risk life and limb to attempt to create other participatory democracies around the world.
Said one eligible Ohio voter who failed to participate: "I just couldn't be bothered with voting. Between my hangover from the night before and needing to watch my favorite television shows, there was no time built into my day."
Meanwhile the Northern Cardinal has until January to pack up its belongings and vacate the office. With winter approaching, it could not come at a worse time.