Election Returns Confirms California, Massachusetts, NY, & Nevada Pledge To Join EU!

Funny story written by Morse

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

image for Election Returns Confirms California, Massachusetts, NY, & Nevada Pledge To Join EU!
Queue of PU Immigrants from US Applying for EU Status In London This Morning!

With the mid term elections results all but confirmed, and the GOP taking back Congress, making significant gains in the Senate and in the process halting the advancement of the Obama takeover, several left leaning progressive liberal states have signaled they're ready to join the EU and apply for a "Bailout!"

California, the 19th largest world economy on the brink of bankruptcy, re elected an aging Hippie to the governorship, and reaffirmed their head up their arse stance by also maintaining the status quo reelecting Dem incumbents.

Massachusetts kept Obamsky's Harvard Buddy Deval Patrick, the Boston Mayor, around for a few more years, and also kept Fannie Mae Butt Boy Barney Frank in Congress, but without his House Banking Chairmanship that played a significant part in granting mortgages to people with no birth certificates, no jobs, and no means to replay.

Washington state could be ready to keep an air head in the Senate, and Union Money kept the Nevada Senate "majority" leader narrowly in power, but with the prospects that 'Blue Ball" Dems facing election in 2 years will go along with fiscal reforms proposed by newly empowered Republicans.

Illinois did wake up and repudiate Obama's crooked banker and basketball buddy, and put a Conservative in his scandal ridden Senate Seat.

Nothings changed in NY, with the Corrupt Dems sinking their claws deeper into the public trough while suitcases full of cash continue to pour into ruling legislators for special deals on off track betting, scandalous "not for profit"
"CHARITIES" run by Race Profiteers Charlie Wrangle (sic), Al Sharpton,Chuck Shumer and a host of lesser known entitlement scammers.

Political observers theorize that with the traditional democrat entitlement areas backing Obama in the Election, the Commander in Thief will back them as bankruptcy looms in coming months.

Outrageous Union pensions 55% underfunded, impossible entitlements still promised, and free housing, allowances and health care going to people who refuse to work, or just move in from other countries to improve their "life style" has these progressive states looking in worse shape than Greece, Spain, France & Italy.

Economic Experts as well as working citizens don't seem concerned by the US losing these states to the EU.

"I think it's the best place for them," said Frank Miller a self employed welder from South Carolina. "They've been practicing their own form of Sharia Law for years, now they can have it full time."

"Now with the EU mandating that jailed criminals have the 'human right' to vote, Romanian Gypsies can take over private land, and the Council of Ministers can mandate life styles regardless of sovereignty and The Rule of Law, and tax member states indiscriminately I think it's fitting that they be with people of their own kind!"

Reports are circulating already from within the Government Accounting Office, (GAO), that with the Progressive Union (PU) leaving for the EU, the current deficit will be cut by $6T dollars by November of 2011, and certainly eliminated after Obama is replaced in the 2012 Presidential election.

Meanwhile hundreds of former congressional democratic staffers are crying, "What am I going to do now to get paid.....nobody will hire me because I don't have any real job skills...!"

In Brussels, Ministers are considering yet another 2% tariff on member states to prepare for increased immigration from the Colonies.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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