Rev. Al Sharpton Says That He Loves Sarah Palin's Tea Party 'Cause They Be Splittin' Up The GOPeePee's

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Monday, 20 September 2010

image for Rev. Al Sharpton Says That He Loves Sarah Palin's Tea Party 'Cause They Be Splittin' Up The GOPeePee's
Sarah Palin has said that when she moves into the White House she will put up a deer blind in the backyard.

HARLEM - The Rev. Al Sharpton, who is known as "The Protector of The Unprotected," offered his two cents worth at a dinner honoring Michael Vick's return to sanity.

Rev. Sharpton said "Ya know sumtin y'all. I sho nuff be likin' dis Sarah Palin woman cause she be doin' a whole lots more ta hurt the Republican party than any Democrat could ever hopefully hope to do without the use of an Atomic bomb of course."

The Harlem preacher man went on to say that "Shotgun" Sarah has managed to stir up the hell out of the GOPeepee's who now have no idea which Peepee head is which.

He went on to point out that by the time little Miss Snowflake gets through she will have the Republicans literally biting each other on their big fat wallets and calling each other horrible names like punks, jerks, dummies, blue haired ho's, and sissies.

Sarah Palin was asked to comment on Rev. Al Sharpton's remarks and she simply replied, "Ya know. I really do not wish to address Rev. Sharpie's statement because I do hate to admit it but the old black geezer does make some sense."

Palin went on to say that her wish has been to win the White House in 2012. She vowed that her hubby Toddy, her unmarried daughter Bristol and her fatherless baby Tripp and all of her other kids will all be moving into the White House in a few years.

"Snowballs" as her ex-future son-in-law Levi Johnston calls her stated that the first damn thing that she is going to do is to take down the basketball stand and put up a deer blind so that she can sit her cute little ass up there on her days off and wait for some poor little helpless deer to saunter by so that she can shoot it all to hell the way she does up in Alaska from one of the state helicopters.

Palin then added, "And trust me. When I am the president there ain't gonna be no mother effen mofo gonna tell this white wilderness bitch that she can't do it - cause this GOP male wannabee has got the big ol' jock strap to prove otherwise."

In other related news. Michelle Obama says that she would like to challenge Sarah "Snow Plow" Palin to visit the White House and take her on in a game of arm wrestling.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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