Parents outraged at school trips to 'Live Sex-Show.'

Funny story written by Stevey G.

Friday, 30 July 2010


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image for Parents outraged at school trips to 'Live Sex-Show.'
Children attempt to storm the stage at 'Randy's Revue Bar'

Parents of children attending Charing Cross Comprehensive, expressed their outrage this morning upon learning that sex-education classes are to incorporate a trip to a live-sex show.

It transpires that children as young as 11, have already been attending 'classes' at Randy's Revue Bar, in nearby Soho, as part of a pilot scheme to test the benefits of this new initiative.

Headmistress, Prunella Fitzherbert (42), fully supports the scheme. 'There is only so much that can be taught from a book', she said today. 'We considered showing pupils dvd's, but regrettably pornography is strictly prohibited from school premises.'

A mother of two children at the school, who asked not to be named, was horrified at the news. 'I'm horrified', she said, 'I've told my eldest daughter that adults, in a loving relationship, make love to have babies. Now I hear she's been watching a couple thrash about a dirty stage in front of children and complete strangers. I'm, disgusted!'

Another parent took a more liberal view. Albert Bumstead, who has a 12 year-old son at the school simply reflected, 'Well they certainly had nothing like that in my day!'

Horace Sleaze, the owner of Randy's Revue Bar, has been surprised at the positive reaction from his customers. 'I did initially think that having school children in would put off my regular punters', he said earlier today, 'but if anything the place becomes busier on those days. I don't really understand why, but I'm not complaining.' he concluded.

But how has this experience affected the children?

Harry Hobnob, aged 11, was traumatised.'It was horrible', he said, 'There was this man and this woman and they were...kissing...YUK.'

Fellow pupil, Paris Bolton aged 12, seemed less shocked by the experience.'Of course its not the first time I've seen a man's willy,' she said, 'I've seen my daddy's willy when he comes out of the shower and it's just the same, except daddy's is a lot smaller......and white!'

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