Lockerbie Bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi: Is He Faking Cancer?

Funny story written by Monkey Woods

Friday, 6 August 2010

image for Lockerbie Bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi: Is He Faking Cancer?
Are his days numbered?

US health experts have been meeting today to discuss the case of Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi who was recently released from prison in Scotland after he was diagnosed as suffering from terminal prostate cancer - but there are now doubts over whether the cancer is 'real'.

Mr al-Megrahi was released on compassionate grounds last August, after a medical report by a leading oncologist estimated that the Libyan had "about three months to live". It's now 12 months since his release, and he's not dead yet.

Dr Karol Sikora has said he is surprised that Megrahi is still alive. Asked by the Libyans for a medical opinion on the terrorist's health prior to his release from jail, Sikora has recently said, however, that he and other experts "could not have been fooled".

It remains a fact, though, that al-Megrahi still breathes, and, no matter how long this piece of garbage survives cancer - if, indeed, he actually has it - he does so with the kind of freedom that his 270 victims - men, women and children - were denied in their shocking and terrifying last moments above the skies of Scotland more than 21 years ago.

We can only imagine the thoughts of the passengers on Pan Am Flight 103 as it tumbled towards the ground through the pitch black sky on that December night, and the supreme misfortune of the eleven people "in Sherwood Crescent who were wiped out when the planes wings and fuel tanks plummeted in a fiery explosion, destroying houses and leaving a huge crater, with debris causing damage to a number of buildings nearby" (source: Wikipedia)

According to me, these people were shown no compassion, and Mr al-Megrahi deserves no more than they did, yet he is living in his own country, making the kind of last-minute plans that the 270 were unable to make, savouring his last days (or months, who knows?) and able to reflect on his 'life's work' with the unexpected bonus of not having to do it from a Scottish jail cell.

As those US health experts mull over whether Mr al-Megrahi really is on 'Death Row' with cancer, maybe we should all reflect that it's probably better if he is, so that he can hurry along to his next life, where he will, no doubt, be met by the 'welcoming hands' of his 270 victims. And, oh what a 'party' they're going to have with his sorry ass!

Compassionate grounds?


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