Terrorist Sabotage? Third Oil Leak In Michigan

Funny story written by Bureau

Monday, 2 August 2010

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People in Southern Michigan are beginning to feel like those on the Gulf of Mexico as crews were working Monday to contain and clean up an estimated 900,000 gallons of oil that has already coated birds and fish as it poured into a creek and flowed into the Kalamazoo River, one of the state's major waterways.

In between this leak and the one in the Gulf, another oil leak has hit the people in Utah.

Why three major oil leaks within a few months after years of none?

Many are beginning to blame terrorists. "If they can cut off our home supplies, we will have to rely more and more on foreign oil imports and these exporters also export terrorism by financing their projects", stated one oil official.

So far the Obama administration hasn't mentioned this as the work of terrorists but BP Oil has.

"We dig hundreds of wells", stated one spokesman for BP. "Why does this happen now? Why are there two more in the U.S. and now hitting other areas?"

Of course, many on the right are saying that President Obama doesn't care about the oil leaks. Reason #1 being that it takes our minds off our failing economy and job losses and at the same time, keeps companies from drilling at many places.

"The President wants us to rely more on solar and wind power, but we are not seeing much happening in those directions, other than giving China the jobs to build the windmills", Senator Jim Bunning is reported as saying.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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