ARI-ZOO-NA: Home of 'Crazy' John Mccain. - Sarah Palin can barely speak English so why is she trying to go bi-lingual? Perhaps she's trying to burnish her non-existent Prez credentials?
But if you're going to be hypocritical in trying to promote non-existent 'polite' American family values by avoiding the good old English word "ba**s", why on earth would one use the crude Spanish gang-bang equivalent for male genitalia? To impress Hispanics?
In a recent interview with FUX News- one that Siggy Freud would have thoroughly enjoyed, Silly-Sarah screeched:
"Jan Brewer has the cojones that our President does not have, to look out for all Americans, not just Arizonans, but all Americans in this desire of ours to secure our borders and allow legal immigration to help build this country."
Penis envy Sarah? Are you trying to get your Momma Grizlies to 'grow their own'?
But if one is indeed talking about testicles perhaps the biggest upset has been UK's very own Cameron who dared to lower his zipper in public and show his brass set! I say!!
Enough to set off howls of "incompetent", "immature" "inexperienced" or the professional Pakistani placard-holder's "loos (sic) cannon" epithet.
But nothing can top the biggest case of phallic envy, the ultimate compliment from Labour-loser David Mili-bland who pompously stuttered of Cameron's PR trick:
"A squid squirting ink" ;) ;)
Yep, took one David (Cameron) to put down another David (Milibland). Seems the former FM Mr. M. forgot the mess he created during his not-so-memorable visit with the Indians which set UK-India relations back 50 years.
Perhaps Labour's leadership TV debate should have all contenders engage in a massive pissing contest - talk about a ratings sweep :P