Screwing Flying Couple On Plane Wasn't The Worst Thing Says Flyer!

Funny story written by Bureau

Saturday, 24 July 2010

image for Screwing Flying Couple On Plane Wasn't The Worst Thing Says Flyer!
"Taken Just Moments Before Dive"

In an earlier report we told you about John and Esther Mathers, a couple who were attempting to join the "Mile High Club" just as the plane hit tremendous turbulence and had floated around naked before the plane landed at Denver in an emergency.

In a follow up, we sent our reporter to one of thirty people banged up in the flight, who was still in the hospital.

"It's my lungs that are messed up", stated Larry Kissinger. "But I'm doing better now.

Asked about the couple, Larry stated that he also was in the air at one time.

"Yeah, I saw those two idiots. Didn't expect that older couple to be up to hi-jinks at 45-50 years old but maybe it was an anniversary or something. I'd say they really screwed up! HAH HAH! Get it, screwed up! Anyway, varicose veins are not pretty up close like that."

We then talked to the nurse about Larry.

"Oh, Mister Kissinger will be OK. When that naked couple came floating out, I think one of them pooped. Larry apparently was screaming and swallowed some."

Meanwhile, John And Esther Mathers were awarded their coveted "Mile High Club" certificate to frame as they were still a mile high after landing in Denver.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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