Obama Plays Golf, BP CEO Watching His Yacht, Both Worried To Death

Funny story written by Bureau

Saturday, 19 June 2010

image for Obama Plays Golf, BP CEO Watching His Yacht, Both Worried To Death

While President Obama is back on the golf course and shooting some baskets, BP CEO Tony Hayward is spending the day watching his yacht "Bob" compete in a swank race just off the coast of England.

However, a spokesman for Hayward stated that the CEO hasn't been off the job since word of the oil spill and that he needs to get away from sitting in his office worrying and twiddling his thumbs and playing with himself.

At the same time, a White House spokesman says that the President is trying to get in shape for the next beer conference and is in practice, while watching the PGA Tournament.

Indeed, both men have been very distracted about this oil spill. Like during the 20 minute face to face conference this week, both sat there until Obama suddenly yelled, "Do Something!!" and Hayward answering, "I'm sorry, did you just yell something?"

Also, both men were invited to get get their minds off spilled oil and to come out and attend the recent firing squad execution in Utah this past week, but refused.

That was a sham....shame!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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