Obama Must Return Nobel Peace Prize According To Committee

Funny story written by Bureau

Monday, 21 June 2010

image for Obama Must Return Nobel Peace Prize According To Committee

Thorbjorn Jagland, head of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee has sent an official notice to the White House, asking that the Obama Prize for 2009 be returned.

"Since the President gave the money he received to charity, we are not asking for its return at the present time, unless of course, he refuses to return the Peace Prize itself."

Why the sudden turn-about?

"First", stated Deputy Chairperson, Kaci Kullmann Five, "the president is still at war in both Iraq and Afghanistan plus there is saber-rattling in Iran and North Korea."

"But the final straw was when the President of the United States lowered himself to common ass-kicking!", stated Chairman Jagland.

The two stated that they have been receiving hundreds of letters and actual photos of the ass-kicking and the ass, with the bruises.

"This committee, dedicated to World Peace, cannot allow this to go by unnoticed."

Thus far, 237 nominations have been made by mail for the 2010 Prize, including Mr. T. who broke up seventeen fights this year by calling both combatants fools and a WalMart greeter who herded people safely through the doors the day after Thanksgiving.

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