Juanita Maria Josephina Guadalupe de Jesus Gomez Gomez Rodriguez Gonzalez of Las Cruces, New Mexico is upset at the local school system. She claims that the free education promised her by the government is not free in her district.
Through an interpreter, she said: "They make me buy my kids pens and pencils and notebook paper and notebooks and erasers and scissors and crayons and colored pencils and construction paper and binders and glue and graph paper and rulers. Then, they want the kids to buy yearbooks and school pictures and class rings and letter jackets and school t-shirts and bring money for programs. Some of the schools even require uniforms. If they go on a field trip, they sometimes have to bring sunscreen and a sack lunch. I also have to go to the clinic sometimes and wait all day just so that they can get different measles shots and tetanus shots and tuberculosis tests and it ruins my whole afternoon! There's also band candy and football games and school carnivals and PTA fundraisers."
"Where's the free in that?"
"I mean, the kids get free lunch and free breakfast and don't have to pay any tuition, but the rest of it is just too much!"
"I didn't sneak my family across the Rio Grande River into this country just so that I'd have to spend money on them. If I wanted to have to work for a living and spend any money on my family, I'd have stayed in Mexico."
"Besides, with all this money I spend on school supplies, I can't buy as much cerveza and tequila."