WASHINGTON, D.C. - Proclaiming himself "furious," President Obama fired Louis Caldera, the now-infamous White House official who gave the thumbs-up for a low altitude flyover of New York City by Air Force One.
The April 27 incident, which reminded residents of the terrible events of 2001, reportedly emptied buildings and filled underpants across the city.
The fly-by was intended to provide updated photos for the Air Force One file, at a mission cost of roughly $329,000. "That's why I'm furious he never opened that e-mail," said the President.
President Obama refers to correspondence concerning a Photo-Shop tutorial which Caldera was supposed to have attended. There, he would have learned how to use software to superimpose the image of Air Force One on the New York City skyline without actually having to fly a complex, 2-plane mission over the city.
This revolutionary new technique would have saved taxpayers almost $329,000, says the President.