Whatever the deal was with the airplane buzzing New York City earlier this week, New Yorkers say that what it amounted to was torture.
"If the Obama administration is going to put people for mistreating those poor little mass killers down at Gitmo on trial for torture, I want to "git mo" compensation as one of several million citizens of New York that shat their pants the other day when Obama decided to buzz us," stated one irate citizen.
"Did he think it was time for a nostalgia trip or what?", asked another. "Maybe he should have landed that sucker into the side of the Pentagon!"
"Those prisoners he wants to let loose will probably be dropped by parachute onto Manhattan any day now and that was a practice run. Let them come, we got a present for them," stated still another.
"I think the dude's got his ass all bent out of shape over that Boston Tea Party. I don't know which party is Dumb and which one is Dumber no more!"
President Obama once again apologized to New Yorkers, saying that he had picked up the wrong teleprompter by mistake and they had planned it to be another giant gorilla climbing up the Empire State Building in an effort to get people's minds off the economy and swine flu but the mechanical ape had shorted out and kept slamming cymbals together.