Obama and Michael Jackson ''Face Off'' Shock!

Funny story written by E.L.Wisty

Sunday, 9 November 2008

image for Obama and Michael Jackson ''Face Off'' Shock!
Michael Jackson

In a stunning revelation following his sensational Presidential win, President elect Barack Obama has revealed that he was actually born white.

"Yes it's true" said Obama from his Chicago HQ.

Obama claims that he suffers from a bizarre reversal of "Vitiligo", the disease that turned Michael Jackson white.

Obama who spent his formative years in Alabama said that all of a sudden he started to turn brown and was barred from using the "whites only" school bus.

"Things really started to change for me, I was kicked out of the white school and had to attend the negro college"

It really made me appreciate the struggles that black people went through in those days" he continued.

"After a while my folks took me to Indonesia where my changing color was not so noticable and I could get on with my life without harrassment from bigots"

And in a story straight out of the popular movie "Face-Off" Obama also revealed that he has Michael Jackson's old nose and that Jackson is wearing Obama's old white one.

"Michael and I became good friends and he was a tower of support while I was going through the changes,which coincided with his transformation into a white guy"

"Michael advised me that if I was going to be black I would need a more African shaped nose then he said "Why dont we swap noses?"

"It all made perfect sense" said Obama who then went ahead with the plastic surgery at the same time as the Prince of Pop had his nose job.

Jackson and Obama also swapped hair so that Obama could have the traditional Afro styling which these days he prefers to keep short.

Obama says that having some of Jackson's genes running through his veins is the reason he can dance so well.

It is not known if Jackson has any political aspirations himself except that he heavily subsidised Obama's exhilirating run for the Presidency.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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