Trump - through several Media sources is appealing to his Right Wing Base (or anyone) to help him find a Nasty Campaign Name for Presidential competitor Ron DeSantis.
(In Italian, Ron the Saint - Which DeSantis assuredly is not.)
Trump tried 'Meatball Ron' - referring to DeSantis' Italian heritage and that didn't 'fly'.
He is sort of stumped at the moment.
In 2016 - Hillary was always privately called 'Cunt' or 'Bitch' and he did coin the clever slogan - "Lock her Up!'.
Now he needs something Nasty and clever for DeSantis.
Trump has tried 'Bullshit Ron', 'Scumbag DeSantis', 'Despicable DeSantis', 'Dickhead DeSantis', 'Little Shit' DeSantis (DeSantis is short) - 'Deadmeat DeSantis', 'Ronnie D - the Little Flea' (felt to be too long).
So far, he is favoring words with 'Shit' - such as 'Shithead DeSantis' and 'Shitbag DeSantis' - as he spends a lot of time on the toilet after all those Big Macs - and excretory insults come easily to mind.
Trump is Desperate - will take help from anyone who can coin a Mean, clever Campaign Name for Governor Ron DeSantis.
Send letters to: 'Dirty DeSantis Names' - Donald Trump (The Greatest) - Palm Beach, Florida - U. S. A.
(Many thanks from the great Donald Trump for helping out.)
(The 2024 DeSantis Dirty Names Committee)