An Alabama Barmaid Says Her Knees Taste Like Vanilla Pudding

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Saturday, 15 October 2022

image for An Alabama Barmaid Says Her Knees Taste Like Vanilla Pudding
One of Sara's bosses was amazed at how every part of her body tastes like a dessert.

MOBILE, Alabama - (Satire News) - Cinderella St. John with The Daily Drama reports that she recently spoke with a woman who works as a barmaid at Mobile's Inebriated Iguana Lounge.

The woman, identified as Sara Saratoga, 27, said that she first discovered that her knees tasted like vanilla pudding, after her ex-boyfriend, Clyde, told her that she was damn delicious.

He then stated that he had never known a woman whose knees tasted like his favorite dessert.

Sara does recalls that back during her junior year at high school, that two of the varsity football players that she dated, said that her pussy (beaver) did taste a bit like an Italian Cream Cupcake.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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