Stop Hurting Trump RIGHT NOW You Big Meanies!

Funny story written by Ana Sian

Friday, 2 September 2022

image for Stop Hurting Trump RIGHT NOW You Big Meanies!
See What You DID!!!!!

Why won’t people stop hurting Donald Trump?

Words hurt, you know! When you call him all the names which may or may not be applicable, Donald doesn’t want to hear them! He’s a good guy – you’re the bad ones attacking him. Say nice things or he’ll tell his supporters to beat you up (or stand down and stand by, which sounds a lot worse, more military, more jackboot).

Do you realize he’s crying every night? And if Melania won’t cuddle him, then he has to call up Rudy or Steve Bannon (or anyone he once knew or who worked for him who’s not in jail, currently. Is Bannon in jail right now? Can we check that – so hard to tell with that guy, especially when Donny’s not there to bail him out.)

Can the entire world stop attacking poor defenseless Donald J Trump (no, the J does not stand for Jerk or Jerk-off or Jaundiced Ass Cancer or Jojo the Ape-faced Boy)

He was the greatest … oh god I can’t write that … just stop! He’s on Parler or Truth Social or whatever failing right-wing social media outlet for white Christians who love to hate and hate to love … see where they’re getting it? From you! The Haters of Trump. And that ain’t HOT!

PS: Coming soon, the anti-Trump wet t-shirt contest (where ONLY heavy-bellied hairy men get to wear the wet shirts) from the Haters Of Trump, or, HOT! Damn, boys, take it off, you sweaty hairy bitches! But beware: Trump himself may wear a wig just to get into the contest to show off his prize-winning and Melania-squashing belly, and then have Russians screw up the votes so that he wins. You know you need foreign help to win an election when you can’t win on your own “charms”. Assholes will try any dirty trick in the book. (See Nixon, aka, Tricky Dick.)

Now if you don’t have anything nice to say about Donald, don’t say … sorry, I’m crying right now. Donny just phoned me and he’s weeping and farting like a baby! Hope you’re happy!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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