Mr. Trump’s credibility problem has, if anything, accelerated in the last few days.
Mr. Jeffrey Mardass, of Lightweight Surveys, now puts the President at a .001 rating on a 10-point scale.
The problem with the National Emergency on The Wall has been upped from two to sixteen states filing suit on violating the Constitution.
Mr. Trump’s overall policies for the globe are being disparaged outside the country. Europe viewed The Pence and Pompeo Show over there as “limp” and “bossy.”
Mr. Bolton has flung himself into new tumult by standing feet wide apart and reaching for a weapon on his belt:
“Nicaragua, you’re next! You hear? Your days are numbered!”
Intelligence insiders say Nicaragua is just the beginning in a regime change concert roaming here and there on the globe.
Independent nations stand warned!
Then Venezuela. A prodigious threat to credibility exists right here.
Estimates on the current believability of this conflict compare it to remnant air in a deflated balloon.
For the Trump people, time is short to accomplish many, many goals. They must simultaneously get Democrat support for further global regime change underway while battling for the 2020 election.
With all those new smart-ass females in the House on top of it.
However, the Supreme Court currently favors Trump 5-4.
As to the home front—that is left at deep, dark, ponderous.
Would a certain melancholy in the bedroom regions of The White House have induced the President into a second venturing into the alley for counseling?
Independent observers indicate the shadow in that alley strongly resembled Mr. Trump’s profile. And this time he disappeared inside the apartment.
This one has a name: Stephanie “I murmur with you” of CUEE Inc. (credibility uplifting election erection incorporated).