Russian Hooker Regrets Peeing On Obama Bed

Funny story written by Dr. Billingsgate

Monday, 4 June 2018

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I'm Sorry

BILLINGSGATE POST: Finally finding religion after turning tricks for the past seven years, Irena Klavisvoka says that she now regrets peeing on the bed once slept in by Barack and Michelle Obama.

“We were just romping around like school girls, and I started to laugh so hard that I peed my pants. Had nothing to do with dissing the Obamas. I had no idea that they had used this bed for sleeping. To me, that is just plain silly.”

Somewhere, British spy Michael Steele must be smiling. Although his notorious dossier that was used to obtain a FISA warrant on Donald Trump made no mention that Irena was wearing pants at the time of the incident, one can only surmise that they may have come off later in the evening.

There Are Ten Million Stories In The Naked City. This is but one. Without corroboration, how are we to know what actually happened that evening? Only the Shadow knows.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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