Canada to build wall

Funny story written by thomas o'hanlon

Saturday, 11 February 2017

image for Canada to build wall

The county of Plunk, Pennsylvania, working with Plunk University's department of Alternate Energy is in the process of turning the county's sizable collection of Canadian Goose feces into energy that according to County President Stan Klink "will be enough power to heat every dwelling, light every lamp, and boil every pot of water"

"Not without a hefty tariff" according to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. "The Canadian Goose is a treasured natural resource that we have politely shared with our neighbors to the south for centuries as a sign of goodwill" he said. "and now some typical profiteering American politician seeks to exploit that? I think not!"

County President Plunk balked at the suggestion of a tariff, citing "we never asked for these honking, poop on the path, hissing bastards, and now that we found a good use for them, the Canadians have decided to extort us? There is no way that we are paying anything to our greedy northern neighbors!"

"If the Americans think they are going to exploit our natural resources without a fair fee coming to us" declared Mr. Trudeau "then we shall build a wall from ocean to ocean along the border to keep all future beloved Canadian Geese from flying south. A very, very, very, very tall wall"

When asked how Canada would pay for such a massive project Mr. Trudeau suggested "Mexico is financing similar projects, I will speak to them."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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