Once again, I'm going to try and channel the great American humorist and cynic H.L. Menken. Once again he affirms that he thinks the United States is a "nation of midgets."
"Look at the current election, it's being tremendously influenced by the idiot FBI director James Comey and the incompetent Attorney General Loretta Lynch," says Menken.
"They're both in a basket of deplorables. If you look at the chain of command in the Justice Department under what the FBI is, it's only an investigative unit. The FBI director is not an independent prosecutor; he is an underling to his boss, Loretta Lynch the Attorney General. He reports to her."
"But what does Comey do in July when he concludes the investigation into Secretary Clinton's use of e-mails. He says he won't prosecute her but that she was extremely careless in the use of e-mails," explains Menken.
All of this is in a public statement! FBI directors don't make public statements about investigations, even when those investigations result in indictments. The last thing the FBI ever does is detail an entire investigation that led nowhere, and then follow up with a sweeping opinion about how the subject acted. Comey's shooting off his idiot mouth was unprecedented. He went rogue,' says H.L. Menken to me.
"He didn't clear the announcement with his boss, the inept Loretta, because he has no respect for her and wanted to grab the limelight. Lynch did not tell Comey to shut the fu*k up, don't go rogue again. She simply, stupidly passively watched the whole circus show as Clown Comey went public."
"Now it's happened again! 11 days before the election, the hapless Comey goes rogue again and publically discloses that there is new evidence of interest to the FBI because questionable state department e-mails have been found on the computer of Huma Abedin, chief Clinton aide."
"And, one can't believe this sh*t, Abedin shares this computer with her estranged husband, Anthony Weiner of sexting fame! Comey goes rogue again! In Comey's public statement he says that he doesn't know if the e-mails are of any significance! And now it turns out that Lynch had her aides to tell Weiner not go public announcing the new evidence in the case. But, once again, FBI director Comey defies her," points out Menken.
"As of October 30, so close to Halloween! the reason both Comey and Lynch have put the outcome of the November elections in jeopardy in that they both are fearful cowards! Comey's department leaks live a sieve and the press would have found out about the Abedin computer e-mails if he didn't get ahead of the story so, that in the future he wouldn't be subject to criticism, he goes public with the new e-mails found on her computer.
The same for weakling Lynch! She covers her quivering ass by refusing to publicly criticize her rogue subordinate FBI director and make it appear to look as if she wants to hide the the newly discovered e-mails," says H.L. Menken.
"Little spineless cowards both of them and their ineptitude will probably affect the election results, particularly the down ballot offices that could have put the democrats in control of the Senate," states H.L.
"What spawns people like Comey and Lynch? The supposedly educated American public whose values and character they reflect, of course! No dignity, no character, no integrity and no honesty or class. They come from a nation of midgets!" he asserts.