Trump celebrates Hillary's weiner problems but would downplay in a quid pro quo over his own

Funny story written by joseph k winter

Sunday, 30 October 2016


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image for Trump celebrates Hillary's weiner problems but would downplay in a quid pro quo over his own
New dishes in restaurants feature weiner plus garlique and weiner with ice cream

Mere days from the national election, Mr. Trump's forces are heartened by FBI Director Comey's intent to re-open the Hillary Clinton email case.

An anonymous spokesperson from Mr. Comey's office says this decision has nothing to do with a current tweet gone viral and entering campaign considerations:

weiner weiner on the wall
who's the nastiest of them all

Additionally, A Tale of Two Weiners, a new website account of the candidates, has also gone viral.

A new novel, Hillary in Weinerland is being contemplated by her colleague, Mr. Podesta.

The National Enquirer is featuring "weinerasm" contests.

Hillary's weiner problem derives from Anthony Weiner, former New York Congressman, and ex-husband of Clinton's top aide, Huma Abedin.

Mr. Weiner has been repeatedly in trouble over his interest in underage conquests, weiner gone astray.

The new and possibly suspect emails have been found on Mr. Weiner's ex-computer at his former wife's establishment, and, according to Mr. Comey, need further investigation.

Thus Comey's earlier conclusion that "extreme carelessness," merely, was the problem must be re-considered.

These new emails may reaffirm the previous "extreme carelessness" conclusion, so that Ms. Clinton can again be let off.

If they indicate "beyond extreme carelessness" to "abominable and childish loss of judgment" she can again be let off.

The Clinton forces are nearly berserk that what appeared a slam-dunk, due to Mr. Trump's recent problems, could be reversed through this news from the Republican FBI Director Comey.

Efforts to bring Putin and Russian hacking in as somehow involved with Weiner and responsible for this development are not as yet in place by Ms. Clinton as part of any forthcoming defense.

She insists Mr. Comey clarify what these emails are immediately, and that they not be left reeking on the sidelines as November 8 approaches.

Meanwhile, weiner weiner on the wall musical groups, a possible opera, SNL skits, are all making havoc with this new development and pleasing their advertising backers.

Mr. Trump's forces have said, in a generous move, that Mr. Trump is willing to soft-pedal the gravity of this development if the media will at the same time let go his own ventures into weinerland.

These include women coming forth day after day to insist Mr. Trump abused them, additional to the candidates' own comments on his prowess with "pussy grabbing" and celebrating his member.

As a side note, Mr. Gorbachev, formerly Russia's president, has not only appealed for "sanity" regarding world turmoil, but indicated this election's weinerschmerz calls for a special session in a World Court.

Meanwhile, the electorate is humming and hawwing over the ills and evils of all this weinerism with polls indicating the "undecided" slot is growing.

Ad hoc weiner roasts are being arranged to assist public citizen groups gathering to continue the discussion.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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