A new dating site called "Concealed Carry Match.com" was launched last month and is already successful. It advertises itself as a safe, friendly dating site for gun owners. It is mocked on the web as affording an opportunity for Americans to bang one another.
Now there are spinoffs from the dating site for people to find romance with those who share their beliefs. Some of them are: "9-11 Didn't Happen.com," "I Didn't Come From No Monkey.com," " "Condoms Don't Work.com," "The South Will Rise Again.com," "Science Education Should Be Replaced With Magic.com."
More are, "Enlightenment Is Elitist.com," "The moon Landing Was Fake.com," "Dinosaurs Wore saddles.com," "Truth Isn't Real.com," "God Chooses Presidential Candidates.com," "Obama Is A Shape Shifting Lizard.com," "The White House Is The Ritual Center For Satanic rites.com.," "Pro Wrestling Is Real.com," "Hillary Founded ISIS.com," "Climate Change Is A Chinese Plot," "Trump Is Perfectly Sane.com," and "Bigfoot Is Real."