WASHINGTON -- It was reported on last Monday, July 25, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) confirmed its investigation into the hack involving the Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails. Since the breach of the DNC server was first announced back in May, it's unclear why the FBI took so long to get moving. Presumably, the uproar at the Democratic National Convention over the leaks and firing of DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz had nothing to do with the timing of the announcement.
Back in June, FBI Directory James Comey made it unequivocally clear during his testimony regarding the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's home-brew email server investigation, and when asked about whether the FBI was investigating suspected Clinton Foundation fraud, he said the FBI doesn't comment on ongoing investigations.
It's unsure why the FBI made an exception in the DNC leak case. It has been speculated the FBI is more frighten of Mrs. Clinton than the Russians. Obviously, the Russians are worried about Mrs. Clinton. Why else would they release DNC emails to affect the presidential election?
An inside, undisclosed FBI source, who also is suspected of being a FBI secret Russian double agent said: "Those FBI email research guys were probably just plum tuckered out after that year-long, exhaustive Clinton email investigation." This adds to the speculation why it took so long for the FBI to start on the DNC leak case. He also added: "This time the Russians are implicated." "Our 'bros' over at the CIA will be involved." He surmised: "With a little help from our friends, we will get them damn Russians - we weren't so lucky with our previous email investigation." He further speculated: "If it was the Russians behind the leaks it wasn't to affect the U.S. presidential election, rather they just wanted to boost Russian Vodka exports to the U.S."
Although there seems to be considerable evidence from the DNC email leaks to substantiate the Democratic National Committee's attempt to affect the U. S. presidential election, by rigging the primaries against Bernie Sanders, there was no mention of any new FBI investigation into those allegations or probe into what Federal Election Commission (FEC) rules might have been violated.