Clinton-Cheney Affair Shocks Washington

Funny story written by Frank Michaels

Sunday, 18 May 2014

image for Clinton-Cheney Affair Shocks Washington
Cheney and Hillary's favorite meeting room

Washingthing, DC - Breaking news suggests that Hillary Clinton and Dick Cheney had a long-term, secret relationship from 1996 through 2000!

Randy Pecker, of the Washington Tribune, breaks this story with a promise of more as time goes on.
"Dick and Hillary were locked into a very, very secret, illicit and sexual affair, especially after Mrs. Clinton discovered that her husband had been playing the field since he was elected president."

But, Dick Cheney?

Pecker went on on, "Cheney was on a downhill slide. He had been the US Secretary of Defense under Bush the First but didn't see much chance of getting back into the mix. He had no idea he would end up as Dubya's VP at the time. He needed comfort and a woman who could fill his vast empty spaces."

Of course, when 2000 rolled in and Dubya Bush managed to wrestle the election away from Al 'Global Warming' Gore, it all had seemed to come to a close. Pecker spews on... "Gore knew what was going on and had threatened Hillary to expose her if she chose to try and run against him. She stepped aside."

And today? Husband, Bill Clinton is, luckily, still mostly in the dark. "He is busy propping up a crumbling Obama administration all while his wife is hanging by a thread from Benghazi."

On the other side, Cheney refuses to speak to it... but it is reported that he and Hillary still maintain a steady (and romantic) correspondence, often sharing words that are said to cause the old warhawk neocon a steady boner.

In closing, both camps deny any connection to this story and have threatened to send the NSA after anyone who reads it and dares to smile.

Film at 11... or maybe, 11:25 pm...


The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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