Hillary needs her head examined says former Bush phrenologist** Karl Rove

Funny story written by queen mudder

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

image for Hillary needs her head examined says former Bush phrenologist** Karl Rove
Needs her head examined if she thinks she'd ever make President

Washington - "For all we know she's already brain dead," Karl Rove tweeted today, "guess not many folk could tell the difference either way."

Crazy talk like that means, of course, that stuff's happening up on the Hill where the ex-Secretary of State's own pretzel moment is being touted as early onset dementia, a DNA faultline inherited from Ronnie Raygun her birth pa.

Rove's remarks are said to echo Vice President Joe Biden's own gut feeling that if anybody's on an upward trajectory into the Dem presidency then seniority dictates it has to be him.

Then there's the tricky business of Monica Lewinsky, Hillary's own daughter by former Rose Law Firm partner Vince Foster - whose 1993 Little Cock, Arkansas suicide still blights Clinton's aspirations.

Trickier still is the whole sue of Chelsea Clinton, Bill's actual granddaughter who channels the former First Daughter, post her AWOL.

It's all likely to end in tears.

** Nut doctor

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