WASHINGTON, D.C. - White House Press Secretary Cal Colfax has informed the news media that the president is very upset with the devilry and roguery shenanigans that are going on in the state of Arizona.
Colfax pointed out that President Obama is referring to lame duck Governor Jan Brewer.
The president does not like the fact that she is focusing on her anti-gay and anti-lesbian personality to issue directives and mandates simply because she knows her relic butt is heading out the door.
President Obama wants Governor Brewer to know that he has an ace up his sleeve which will allow him, as the commander in chief of the nation, to move to have her removed from office immediately.
The presidential clause is known as The Lame Duck Governor's Act of 1953.
He stated that no president has ever had to enforce that act but if Governor Jan keeps on playing her spoiled rotten brat games then he will take the act and shove it up her pompous nose.
SIDENOTE: President Obama has said off-the-record that he will never ever vacation in Arizona; or at least until Janny gets her fanny out of office.