PHOENIX - The latest item on the lame duck agenda list of Governor Jan Brewer is the possibility of banning Facebook from the state.
Governor Brewer spoke with American Spotlight Magazine's Lexington Waterbuck and informed him that she has received lots of emails from state residents asking that she block Facebook from the state.
Most of the complainers state that they just do not like the idea of being unfriended by someone as it makes them feel as if they have done something wrong.
Governor Brewer said that she empathizes with them because just in the past 14 months she has been unfriended by a total of 43 individuals including her first cousin once removed Eunice Bertha Whiskeyseed, whom she said has an addiction to paprika.
SIDENOTE: Governor Brewer has informed a close aide that she plans to talk the Facebook matter over with her BFF Sheriff Joe "Pinky" Arpaio and together they will make a decision on issuing a Governor's Directive banning Facebook from the state.