BIRMINGHAM, Alabama - Condoleezza Rice recently spoke with Tabitha Tula Wishywater of GOPicky Magazine.
She was asked if she felt that Sarah Palin would make a good presidential candidate.
Rice shook her head and replied that she would not want to see that Loose Moose woman anywhere near Washington, D.C.
The former secretary of state pointed out that in her opinion Sarah "Snowflake" Palin needs to be banned from the Republican Party simply because her lack of geographic knowledge is an embarrassment to all Republicans in the United States.
Rice then added that if the White Wilderness Woman had spent more time with her daughters instead of traipsing all over the Iceberg State ambushing moose, caribou, and reindeer maybe Bristol would not have gotten pregnant at such a young age.
Condi, as President George W. Bush called her, then said that she for one is tired of Old Snowplow constantly referring to the continental United States as the Lower 48.
Meanwhile, Sarah Palin was told about Condoleezza Rice's remarks and she replied that she has more geographical knowledge in her whole body than Rice has in her little finger.