The most recent popular Facebook quiz decides what state people are most fit to live in the United States. What's remarkable about this quiz is that users are actually taking it to heart, picking up their belongings and hitting the road to move their life to the state they were told best suits them. People from the South are moving to the West Coast, Northeastern people moving to the South, it's all become chaos for America, and moving companies around the nation are raking in the profits.
People are quitting their jobs without notice; couples are getting divorced because they "shouldn't" live in the same state. Kids are getting left behind. And in some cases, some children with Facebook accounts are packing up and running away from home themselves. This simple quiz bases where one should live, based on their choices of favorite actors, pictures of scenery, movie quotes and a few other random choice questions.
Attempts to contact Facebook and ask about this quiz have gone unanswered and unresponsive. A visit to Facebook headquarters was met with a simple response. There was a note on the front door. It simply read: "Facebook Headquarters are currently moving to West Virginia, as it was decided by the quiz that we should be living in West Virginia." There have been many quizzes before on Facebook, but it seems now that people are taking these quizzes more serious than ever before and are changing the layout of the United States.
I personally have to pick up and move to Oregon, just to keep my family together. I've lost a lot of friends and family because of this quiz, but life shall go on. I personally refuse to submit myself to the next quiz that comes out on Facebook. But, I will be looking over my shoulder and fearing for my life. The next quiz to come out: "What Serial Killer You Should Be". Good luck America.