President Obama Announces A New Work For Food Federal Program

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

image for President Obama Announces A New Work For Food Federal Program
President Obama on the phone with the mayor of Phoenix.

PHOENIX - President Obama has just announced that he and a committee which included Vice-President Joe Biden, First Lady Michelle Obama, former talk show queen Oprah Winfrey, and sultry actress Eva Longoria, have just come up with a brand new federal program.

The program called The Work For Food Federal Program will be tested in Phoenix, Arizona for two months after which it will go nationwide.

The president said that the premise of the program is that individuals will be hired to work in food stores and supermarkets throughout the Phoenix area and instead of receiving all of their pay in cash, they will be paid 25 percent of what they make in money and the other 75 percent will be doled out in food and food products.

President Obama said that this will eventually help to do away with the current food stamp program which truth be told is a bit of a joke.

He noted that the African countries of Upper Zamgola and Dutch West Wakaboonka have been incorporating The Work For Food Federal Program for three years with remarkable success.

SIDENOTE: The president stated that employees of these food stores will be able to purchase non-food items such as toothpaste, deodorant, paper plates, pantiliners, and soap at a 50 percent discount.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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