WASHINGTON, D.C. - Kay Duffgrumble, 62, of Smyrna, Delaware went to Washington, D.C. to check out the various landmarks and she ended up in a heap of trouble as they say down in Mississippi.
Mrs. Duffgrumble, who was divorced in March of this year, had recently purchased a working drone at a flea market in Dover.
She had forgotten that she had put it in the trunk of her car. When she went to get one of her suitcases, she took the drone out of the trunk to check it out hoping that it had not been damaged from the trip.
As she was looking it over, the mechanism motor started and the drone took off. She frantically took off after it but it was futile as the drone quickly reached an altitude of about 300 feet.
The drone was heading straight for the White House. In fact it actually managed to enter the White House air space but it was immediately shot down by a White House surface-to-air missile.
Secret Service agents gathered up the pieces of the drone and located a label that listed Mrs. Duffgrumble as the owner.
By then she had shown up at the front gate of the White House and she was immediately handcuffed and taken to the Secret Service Headquarters Office.
She explained what had happened to the Secret Service investigator and she apologized profusely.
SIDENOTE: Mrs. Duffgrumble was released with the understanding that she would never ever get within 5 miles of the White House plus she would be billed for the cost of the surface-to-air missile.