SAN FRANCISCO - It appears that the most famous White House intern in the history of White House interns is back in the news.
The infamous Monica Lewinsky recently confided to a very close friend, over drinks at The 49ers Huddle Bar, that she finds Anthony Weiner to be a fascinating man and she admitted that she has a monumental crush on him.
Lewinsky's friend told Hollywood Innuendo's Fajita San Guacamole that in all the years she has known Monica she has never seen her this excited about a man; except of course for those times with Billy Clinton.
Monica is reportedly totally infatuated with Weiner and not just because of his name. She says that she thinks that he is as good looking as Bradley Cooper.
Lewinsky told Miss San Guacamole that she has sent Weiner a dozen very intimate text messages and even three semi-nude photos of herself at the Fisherman's Wharf but he has yet to reply.
Suggested Reading on The Subject. Kandella C. Rainstick's book titled Monica Lewinsky's Favorite Pizza Recipes.