In a rather controversial endorsement of these new measures, government plans to enforce "green" behavior and increase fines for non-compliance has got some people talking.
Susan McDonald says: "It will really make me think about those times I have dropped packaging on the ground. I don't try to, but with this, I am realizing what harm I am doing to those poor birds, subjected to a piece of shrink wrap that has fallen out of garbage containers when they are just overflowing. I am in full support of these measures."
On the other side, Dave Doe argues "I don't want anyone to get in the way of me and dumping antifreeze and gasoline into the local stream! It is my right to do this and I don't want no one to take it away! What kind of world are we living in!? A man can't litter at his own free will!?"
The punishments for littering are listed below.
Scrap (paper)....................$100
Scrap (plastic)..................$150
Chemicals (non-dangerous)........$125
Leftover beverages...............$200
Chemicals (mildly dangerous).....$400
Chemicals (medium danger)........$1,000 and 16 months in federal prison
Chemicals (highly dangerous).....$1,000,000,000 and 160 years in federal prison