President Obama, today, during an unscheduled press conference he called, pre-empting the Drew Carey show, The Price is Right, indicated that he is presenting to Congress, a list of words which he wants stricken from the English language. the first one of course was Kardashian. He wants them to change their name to Bodega, as they seemingly are open 24 hours, and offer their "services" to anyone who drives in.
He indicated that he wants the word "president" removed. Since I have been in office, no one capitalizes it anymore, so he wants it erased, he stated that he had not decided what word he wants used, to replace it, perhaps, emperor, king, Joe Goss, Head Honcho, "numero uno", a term that he felt would be appreciated by his newest block of voters.
There will be no using of the term, "Birth Certificate" in regards to ones place of birth. He felt that where and when pertaining to ones birth had no significance anymore. "We are, that's all they need to know," he stated.
"Term," I hate that word, "I want it removed from all printed material, and that goes for "limits" to, those two together will never be used again."
The complete list of suggested words will be delivered to someone in the House, Boehner is on the list, and his name cannot be used in casual conversation.