TV Gynecologist Discusses a Woman's (BLEEP) Problems

Funny story written by Philbert of Macadamia

Thursday, 28 June 2012


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image for TV Gynecologist Discusses a Woman's (BLEEP) Problems
Bleep, Bleep, Bleep

Washington DC: The US Supreme Court has ruled that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is not the obscenity police charged with keeping broadcast TV channels free of inappropriate language and nudity.

The director of People for Relatively Uninteresting Dull Entertainment (PRUDE) has suggested that broadcast TV executives should be voluntarily redacting speech on their Sunday morning talk shows, such as Ask the Physician. PRUDE representatives met with broadcast TV executives to cite their version of a previously aired program featuring a noted Gynecologist.

A lady named Virginia had called to ask why her (BLEEP) was so sore after having relations with her boy friend 12 times a day.

The doctor replied that some women are concerned about the size of their (BLEEP), believing their (BLEEP) is too small or too large for a particular partner. However, the (BLEEP) changes dramatically in size for most women, based on how aroused they become. At rest, a (BLEEP) may be rather small in length, but when a woman is turned on the (BLEEP) elongates and swells like a balloon. The (BLEEP) also gets wetter and more accommodating. A loose or tight (BLEEP), refers to the muscles around the (BLEEP) opening and not the actual size of the (BLEEP). A healthy woman can exercise the muscles around her (BLEEP) which can have an impact on how sex feels for her and a partner, and also reduces (BLEEP) soreness.

The broadcast TV executives thought the PRUDE representatives were a bunch of pussies!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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