An extremely ignorant, bigoted, loud, bullying, unqualified "teacher" from North Carolina has been revealed to be an Obama 'Sleeper' mole, hell bent on destroying the liberties, free speech, free thinking youth of America by brain washing her students into believing that merely criticizing the President can be punished by death.
"Fatty" Delatius Shawanda Chubbybitch, 60, who herself did not graduate from High School is said to be waging a war of terror against students at North Rowan High School.
The self confessed 'Black Panther' and Democrat was heard telling students that they would be shot and it was her responsibility to report them, if they continued to express their views.
The discussion, recorded on video and uploaded to 'youtube' clearly shows the teacher 'bullying' students into giving up their right of free speech. In the video she makes reference to Obama Death Squads, who will abduct those who dare speak out against the President. She also claims that it is her 'responsibility' to call the FBI every time a student declares himself to have Republican tendencies.
"This is worse that Stalin's Russia or Hitler's Germany" said one worried parent "My son came home crying from school, he wants to move into the attic like Anne Frank, in case Obama's Storm Trooping Goons come get him!"
Other students have vowed to fight the tyranny and political brain washing at the school by forming a Glee Club, to do what any upstanding young American would do…..sing and dance about it.